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Homepage of tarot artist Julie Cuccia-Watts

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Less than 100 copies of the limited first edition signed and numbered are still available click the PayPal icon above for payment options




The NEW Real Sky Astrology Chart Maker Collection

True Size Constellations Spread Cloth

 Real Sky Astrology Chart Maker Cards

The Real Sky Astrology™ Chart Maker cards are available! 80 cards for setting up charts go with the spread cloth of true constellation sizes. Use your own planet markers, charms or stones to mark where the planets are or use my planetary mini cards available at PrinterStudio. The Real Sky Astrology Chart Maker Cards gives you all the horoscope cards from the Real Sky Astrology Oracle of the Great Year remastered to feature the rising sign, plus Egyptian god sign cards, moon phase cards, and house description cards so clients can learn about astrological houses right along with the reading. I’m really excited about this colorful tool for illustrating the real sky…Read for yourself, clients or social media.


The Real Sky Astrologer's Note Book

Real Sky Astrologer’s Notebook by Julie Cuccia-Watts is the perfect companion for the Real Sky Astrology™ Chart Maker Cards and the Real Sky Astrology™ True Size Constellation Spread Cloth by Julie Cuccia-Watts. Jot down all your important chart information in this handy little notebook. You will have all your charts in one convenient place for quick and easy reference. Part of Julie’s newest Real Sky Astrology™ chart maker series.


 Planet Charms

Use with the Real Sky Astrology Chart Maker Cards or Real Sky Astrology ORACLE of the Great Year.  Planet Charms are hand made one at a time by Julie.

Planet charms include: The Sun, 8 moon phases, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto

12mm to 6mm in size. 

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NEW  Real Sky Astrology Oracle of the Great Year Cards

are all available!



Buy individual Ages or get all 432 cards in bulk without the boxes and save!

Get all 432 cards click here:


Buy individual ages with boxes below:

Age of Aquarius Cards


Age of Pisces Cards

Age of Aries Cards

Age of Taurus cards

Age of Gemini cards

Age of Cancer cards

Age of Leo cards


Age of Virgo


Age or Libra


Age of Scorpio


Age of Sagittarius


Age of Capricorn

36 cards per pack.


NEW Real Sky Astrology ORACLE of the Great Year

 first five guide books are Available on Lulu now.


The Real Sky Astrology ORACLE of the Great Year  a series of 12 book and deck sets that will explore the 26,000 year cycle of the precession through each age. Julie Cuccia-Watts expands on her Real Sky Astrology ideas with her first oracle. This project with 12 sets of 36 cards a total of 432 cards is an expansive interactive oracle. The series will look at the history, geology, and spirituality in each age. You can read through the ages as well as reading for your current birth chart based on your REAL SKY rising sign. The oracle also includes the moon cycles for each sun sign.


Age of Aquarius



Age of Pisces


Age of Aries


Age of Taurus


Age of Gemini

Age of Khepra

Get all six ages shown above in Volume 1


Age of Leo



Age of Virgo 



Age of Libra Guide Book




Just released!!


The Real Sky Astrology Oracle of the Great Year


Age of Scorpio & Serpent Bearer



Volume I includes Age of Aquarius, Age of Pisces, Age of Aries, Age of Taurus, Age of Gemini, and Age of KhepraReal Sky Astrology Oracle of the Great Year 




Spread cloth. Available now on PrinterStudio!

18 Planetary Mini Marker cards

for doing Real Sky Astrology Natal Chart Readings readings


Upcoming events October 5th and 6th

Woman & Spirituality Conference 2024

Julie is teaching again this year... Working with Moon phases

Order the NEW MoonWise book here:




Real Sky Astrology 2nd Edition WorkBook is now available




The Journey into Egypt Tarot





Updated Real Sky Astrology Tarot at PrinterStudio in large tarot sized, poker sized and MINI




Real Sky Astrology

Egyptian God Signs

By Julie Cuccia-Watts

Is the second book in her Real Sky Astrology Series. This book is created specifically as a guide for her Real Sky Astrology Egyptian God Signs class, at the 39th annual Women & Spirituality Conference in Rochester, MN. Egyptian God Signs is the quintessential uncovering of what may be a deeper insight into the symbolism inherent in our modern astrology glyphs. Find out what Real Sky Astrology Egyptian Gods say about where the planets were on the day you were born. You may not be the sign you thought you were, you may be someone even better.


Explore Julie's Journey of ever evolving Tarot creations.

From Ancestral Path to Real Sky Astrology


Ancestral Path TAROT



The New Remastered

Blue Moon Tarot is a newly remastered vintage majors only tarot deck based on the 13 full moons and 8 cross-quarter days. The deck has the original text from 1998 with updated coloimages available


MAAT Tarot

Get a free reading with MAAT Tarot


Small Poker sized MAAT Tarot and Journey into Egypt Tarot are now available

The New Larger sized MAAT Tarot is now available 3.5"x 5.75!

Large sized MAAT 

The remastered MAAT Tarot guide book in paperback and hardcover with the newest MAAT Tarot with updated coloimages, printed on demand at Lulu. Available now. 



Julie's Real Sky Astrology deck is available now.




Journey into Egypt Tarot

Get a Free Reading with The Journey into Egypt Tarot 

The unsigned Journey into Egypt Tarot on demand version at PrinterStudio



Journey into Egypt hardcover Guidebook


Journey into Egypt Guidebook paperback

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.




You can own an original oil painting used in the

Journey into Egypt Tarot



Read a Review

The Journey into Egypt Tarot Workbook


Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Two Tarot Coloring Books for Adults

Journey into Egypt Tarot

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

ADULT COLORING BOOK-This book is a delightful collection of colorless line drawn illustrations for you to color. The images are black and white line drawings of Julie Cuccia-Watts’ new tarot deck the Journey into Egypt Tarot. The new Journey into Egypt Tarot takes a look at    “real sky”     astrology juxtaposed with the ancient Egyptian   three-season    calendar against a backdrop of foreign historical cultures ancient Egypt influenced.   The Journey into Egypt Tarot is a unique tarot deck based on the ancient calendar systems of ancient  Egypt and  Real Sky Lunar astrology. The Journey into Egypt Tarot Coloring Book gives everyone a chance to reconnect with his or her inner child while learning about this wonderful new deck system.    So grab your favorite crayons,  colored pencils  or  pens  and  let’s have a  journey  into ancient   Egypt with Julie’s Journey into Egypt Tarot.


MAAT Tarot Coloring Book


Print: $20.50

The MAAT Tarot Coloring book by Julie Cuccia-Watts is the perfect way to learn the MAAT Tarot. 78 images to color based on the popular MAAT Tarot use the original deck colors or choose your own.

The Journey into Egypt Tarot and MAAT Tarot app 

Available for iPhone, iPad and Android!

The Journey into Egypt Tarot App is available at

Fool's Dog.com

The MAAT Tarot App is available at

Fool's Dog.com












MAAT Tarot Study Group on Aeclectic Tarot

The Journey into Egypt Tarot Study Group on Aeclectic Tarot

Julie's Ancient Tarot Blog

 MAAT Tarot deck evolution

 Journey into Egypt Tarot deck evolution

©Julie Cuccia-Watts 2023